One grey and gloomy day while I was biking down the streets of Toronto, a tall older man in a rainbow knit cap stepped off the sidewalk and across the street. "Have a groovy day!" he said, and walked merrily away. His pure joy cut through the funk of the grey and the gloom, and I did indeed have an excellent day.
Using the word "groovy" is such an easy way to spread good vibes, which is why I've decided to use it all the time. You should, too! Plus, if you tell your friends, and they tell their friends, somewhere six degrees later, maybe Kevin Bacon will be grooving like it's 1969.
If you want in on the movement, click the button below whenever you use "groovy" in front of someone else. Get your groove on!
(Of course, only click the button if you actually have grooved; just clicking to watch the number go up would, as I'm sure you already know, be distinctly ungroovy.)